Office Design that Creates a Positive Impact on your Business

Good Relationships and Collaboration are Important 

Work and productivity are very important and it's understandable that time is money, but friendly relationships in the workplace can be a large part of motivation. 61% of employees in a Stanford University study agree that friendly relationships and collaboration are needed to be productive. Some tips to encourage employee communication would be:

  • Provide optional spaces for collaboration
  • Add quiet spaces where people can come to think and breathe.
  • Have a dining area where employees can take a lunch break instead of eating lunch at a desk
  • Place some whiteboards around the office to promote mind maps and creative ideas. 

Improve your air Quality

According to the EPA sometimes indoor air is more toxic than outdoor air. Office equipment is known to attract dust and emit harmful substances. Another study at Stanford University confirmed that clean air creates a cleaner mind. They had two groups working, one in a standard office environment and the other group in a greener condition with improved ventilation and reduced harmful toxins. 61% of the employees performed better on cognitive tasks in the greener environment. Here are some simple tips to keep your office's air cleaner:

  • Invest in a vacuum cleaner with strong suction and a HEPA filter, which ensures pollutants stay in the bag.
  • Mop your floor with a microfiber mop.
  • Don't keep perishable food in your trash cans, have a system for getting rid of it when you're done eating.
  • Provide disinfecting spray or wipes for desks, tables, and other surfaces.
  • Don't put furniture over the vents in your office.
  • Add some plants, they're great at cleaning the air.

Correct Lighting 

Lights that contain more of a blue hue as compared to a warmer hue have been proven to increase productivity. Here are some ways you can incorporate lighting that helps you and your employees focus:

  • Natural lighting is one way to boost energy and concentration in your office. If there's no way to add more natural light, mirrors, metallic furniture, and glass surfaces reflecting light, can mimic this affect.
  • Vary your lighting. Give your employees options to go to areas with direct and indirect lighting. Studies show, workers are more comfortable when they have these options. The same study showed that employees that can control their lighting situations have increased focus.
  • Smart LED bulbs have the ability to change color and brightness for different situations. Also, make sure there are no distracting flickering lights. 

Temperature is Important

Researchers from Cornell University found that maintaining a comfortable thermal zone can reduce errors and save employers $2 per worker per hour. Everyone requires a different temperature for their body type, especially different genders. You can usually keep a satisfied office with a steady 60-65 degrees, depending on the temperature outside. Here are some tips to keep your office at a comfortable temperature:

  • Have a fan that can move the air around in the summer
  • Smart thermostats that can monitor the weather outside and then determine a good temperature for you indoors.
  • Providing filtered water for your employees to stay hydrated on hot days.
  • Keep employee workstations away from direct air conditioning. Add deflectors near vents to divert cold bursts of wind away from staff.